Most people don’t believe in the innate intelligence or have their doubts because since the moment they are born they’ve been told that they lack this or that.  I will try to illustrate this point for you in this short article.  As soon as an infant is born in a hospital the doctor or the nurses take that newborn and give him vitamin k drops so he doesn’t go “BLIND”.  Do you think that the intelligence that created a living, breathing, newborn in 9 months forgot to put vitamin k in the babies eyes? Then they give that infant a series of shots one of them being hepatitis B shot, I quote from Google: “Your risk of hepatitis B infection increases if you: Have unprotected sex with multiple sex partners or with someone who's infected with HBV. Share needles during intravenous (IV) drug use.” Well I don’t think our newborn will have any of the risks listed above.  Now we have to ask ourselves is the only reason they give the newborn the vaccine for the newborn’s safety or is there another reason?  Please ponder on this point.  Next the child is weight and measured, what for?  What difference does it make if he is over the normal weight?  Who is normal?  What if the child is born to midgets is he gonna be the same size as a child that is born to “unreasonably” tall individuals? If not, then why do we measure them?  Could it be that they will tell a new mother that is going thru an emotional roller-coaster at that moment that something is wrong and be able to convince her to do that thing or this thing.  Remember birth should be in a loving atmosphere and not under bright lights with heart rate monitor and multiple doctors and nurses maybe even your partner – all dressed in a gown – walking around you in a panicky mode.  Humans are the only mammals that give birth in a hospital.  I have not met a lioness or any other female mammal ever give birth in a hospital with people surrounding her.  They usually give birth by themselves in a secluded area.  Do you think that humans have the capability of giving birth by themselves?  Why don’t we encourage our mothers to trust their innate intelligence during the birth process?  It does pretty good at developing the infant for 9 months, do we really think that if doctors don’t get involved our infant will die?  These points are only about the birth process, let me list a few others:

-       we regularly vaccinate

-       we ingrain the child that if you’re sick you must take a medication, you’re body is not intelligent enough to fight.

-       If we have a cut we are afraid that we’ll die of an infection, we are told to rub antibiotics on the cut

-       Etc.

Do we really think that it we don’t do any of the above we will die?  Because that is the fear that most of us grow up believing.  How did the world run before the advent of antibiotics and emergency medical care? Were people dropping dead left and right? Modern medicine has helped us, however they have also scared us in not trusting our own innate intelligence.  Have FAITH in the best doctor in the world – your INNATE INTELIGENCE.

Ali Ipchilar