Regardless of what degree you have, or how many PhD’s you’ve received from the best universities of the world, the INNATE INTELLIGENCE, that is within you and within every single living thing on this planet knows more and will always know more. You will never outsmart innate intelligence. You may appear to be smarter than the innate intelligence by using fancy words, however innate intelligence does not need to use fancy words to run this planet. Innate intelligence has been running this planet for trillions of years. Innate intelligence adapts to any changing environment. Based on science, on May 14, 2017 the earth is 4.58 billions years old. Apparently the first billion years there was no living matter on the earth. Who or what created all the animals on the planet? Who had the wisdom to create an atmosphere? Who created the dinosaurs? How did the humans evolve from a monkey? How did we get our intelligence? Why are some people so creative? Why do some humans “CHANGE” the world – Jesus, Mohammad, Mother Theresa, Malcolm X, Edison, Tesla, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Joan of Arc, etc.? Were these “greats” really greats? What made them great? Could it be that they used their brain more than the average human being – they thought! Now a human being with 10 degrees comes and thinks that he knows exactly how much of this vitamin, or that medicine someone needs to stay alive. Don’t you think that the wisdom that created your body and everything else on the planet knows more than all the educated men of all time combined? Remember that this wisdom has been running this planet for over 4.58 billions of years. When you will get that much experience, then you can say how much vitamin or medicine I need to stay alive. Don’t get me wrong, for emergencies, humans have figured out many tools to keep us alive – but let’s only use them for emergencies. Do you think that the innate intelligence that created the earth does harm? It can if you don’t follow it’s principles. Let me give you a simple example, let’s assume you want to build a house in a barren land. It’s near the end of the summer and you start construction, you do your footing, poor your concrete and frame the house in the winter. You move in by the end of the winter. You forgot to check if this land is below sea level. If during the spring your house goes 10 feet under water and everything that you spent building gets washed away and all your money and investment goes to waste can we blame the innate intelligence that is running the world? Can we blame GOD? Can we blame MOTHER NATURE? The only person we can blame is ourselve. We should have done our research and figured out that during the spring when the tides are high water goes thru this area. Now our educated mind might want to build a dam to redirect the water, which might help until the dam collapses or leaks. Would it have been better to build our house taking in consideration what innate intelligence has been doing for billions of years? Of course it would have been better. Then why don’t we do that? Because we as humans think that we know more than the intelligence that is running this planet in total harmony. Remember that Innate knows more than you will ever know.