Dr. Ali Ipchilar - Numbness and Tingling
“It’s hard to be happy when every single day is endured with the complicated symptoms of numbness or tingling in the arms, legs, hands or feet. What makes it worse is that it’s though to find answers leaving no hope and being forsced to just live with it.”
“There are many cases of these symptoms but the most common that we’ve seen has been a combination of muscles, bones, joints and nerves which all play a vital role in these symptoms from cause to effect. Understanding the roles of each of these is where the answer can be found for most people.”
“It is not uncommon for patients to enter our office who have nerve disorders that are so severe that it causes them excruciating sharp, stabbing, and shooting pains that can radiate down their arms or legs, which can drastically alter their overall quality of life. So, if this is what is happening then you need help. There is no simple magic bullet solution for everyone.”
“We know you’re asking yourself… Why we offering a discount? Well… we know that you probably have questions that you would like answered before making a commitment, that is why we want to give you the opportunity to meet us and see if we are a right fit for you. We do value the care that we provide and should we believe that you are a candidate for care and you feel you are ready then of course we will make our recommendations for what needs to be done. There is absolutely no obligation to continue, this special session is for you to finally have someone to listen to you.”
“ Also, we can’t accept everyone. We will let you know if we can’t help you and point you in the most appropriate direction.”
“We look forward to meeting you in the practice and seeing exactly how we can help!”