When you are in the zone and want to make things happen, the majority of the time the people around you will not be in the zone. Don’t beat yourself up trying to make them get it. Give them chances, remember that it took you over 14 years to get it. If one way does not work, try a different approach. What worked for you might not work for them. Always keep your end in sight, and always take actions with this in the back of your mind: “how would I act if I knew I could not fail”. Remember your family, your friends, your teammates have different value system(s). Their priority is probably not the growth of your practice. They want something else in life. Figure out what is the most important thing in their life and how you can make sure that they get more of what they want. Also, you must realize that most people waste most of their waking hours doing STUFF (SHIT) that is not going to give them what they really really want in life. They work 8 hours a day, commute for 1 hour, spend 2 hours with the family, there’s 6-7 hours remaining which they probably spend watching house of cards or some other TV shows. Don’t complain if you waste all your free time. If you want to succeed you must spend that free time figuring out how to get what you want in life. Nobody will give it to you. Mom and dad are old or dead, they will not come back to save you this time. You have people that want to help you, but you allow your childish ways to come out when we’re getting anywhere and you quit. The solution to all your problems is within you. Figure out why you haven’t figured it out yet. Why are you not where you imagined you would be. Why are you doing the same shit that has failed and you expect to get a different result. That’s the definition of INSANITY. Try for 30 days to be super focused on achieving your goal in life. I don’t think your family or your kid(s) will mind. They will realize that you’re doing it for them. TRUST YOUR INNATE AND GO FOR IT. YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE.